70lb Premium Opaque Brochures


SKU: 70lb-premium-opaque-brochures Category:


70lb Opaque Brochures

Brochure printing is part of every successful marketing campaign. Give away brochures at a convention, highlight details about your new collection, or include them with every new customer purchase. They are an effective, versatile, and affordable promotional tool.
This brochure contains two panels with enough space for lengthy text or large images.
The trifold is folded twice to create three panels for a short, visual, and informative brochure.
This commonly used brochure has six printed pages on both sides.
Gate Fold
The gate fold works best on brochure designs with a central image.
Accordion Fold
This brochure fold forms a zig zag pattern.
Double Gate Fold
This fold is similar to the gate fold, but has two extra panels.
Double Parallel
This fold is folded equally in half then folded again in the same direction.
French Fold / Right Angle
The French fold or Right Angle Fold is folded in half horizontally and then vertically folded in half folded to a letter size.
Roll Fold
Roll fold is folded three times from right to left.


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